Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lego Creation: Contact 1 @ Automotive World

"Contact 1" by New Jersey artist Mike Doyle

Mike Doyle, who is best known for his spooky Victorian Lego houses, created this amazingly complex Lego city “celebrating extra terrestrial contact events, spiritual beings and unique worlds.” The entire piece is composed of approximately two hundred thousand individual bricks that took over six hundred hours to assemble.  It stands five feet high and measures six feet across. Doyle is selling prints and assembly instructions through Kickstarter. You can stay updated on any new works or showings at Doyle's Facebook page.

"The Contact Series of LEGO built creations was designed to promote the beauty of all intelligent life forms as extensions of our family – children under the same creative force.
This is a story where human consciousness rediscovers the art of intuition and the subtle – but powerful – forces of the universe. Here, groups of modern humans use ancient rituals which – in combination with expanded consciousness – initiates communication with the great space faring cultures of the universe. Vectoring extraterrestrial beings to their position on earth, these humans invite the visitors to help heal the planet through the ETs' transformative powers and bring the greater Earth community closer to the spiritual nature of the universe."

CONTACT 1: The Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan

"Capital City, K'al Yne in the world of Odan. This is a small part of a much larger moc in progress that follows the kingdoms in the world of Odan. Also an entry for now in LoB Global Challenge #2 - Micro Fortress. This is the first moc in a series of mocs of Odan. I'll be starting a Kickstarter in a few weeks on this model to help to finish it off. Approximate size will be 4'-5' tall by about 2' wide."

CONTACT 1: The Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan

CONTACT 1: Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan

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