Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Link Round-Up: April 3, 2013 @ Automotive World

"Samwell" by Esao Andrews

News: A New York court has ruled that photographers can reproduce their old works from their negatives and incorporate the images into their new works. It seems some art-photograph collectors wanted their prints to remain rare and prohibit the originators from remembering they still had the negatives in a drawer somewhere.

The Athenaeum is the "IMDB of art history" with almost 90,000 artworks. This Redditor would appreciate your feedback on the project.

Claire Hummel has a long running art series where she redesigns Disney princess outfits to be more accurate to the time period most referenced in the design of their movies. This was her Disney’s-Robin-Hood-themed April Fools joke. If you’d like to see her equally hilarious commentary on her redesign, you can do so here.

Comic artists razz Lichtenstein with the Image Duplicator show

What does one do with the characters in one’s favorite fandoms? Give them over to the sorting hat, of course.

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